Yeah i'm interested in your entire reading system i recently started to read and enjoy it so any good methods to help me get more out my time and out of the book i'm reading are much appreciated 🤓

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Nice! Once you have a habit going, I really think reading is one of the best things c:

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Thanks for sharing all of these! It's amazing you can do so many things at the same time ---- full-time work, starting your own company, blockchain project and stuff and you also manage to take care of life&mental stuff. You are inspiring me to learn things and be more accountable.

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Heya! Tysm but I don't want to give the illusion that I'm able to juggle everything. I've burnt out several times and learned my lesson the hard way. There's been times when all of the above has suffered a lot and even now I'm still constantly learning and making mistakes. It's a process <3

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Thank you so much for telling about that book named "The body keeps the score" it is something i didn't knew but i needed it, i am super stressed about this exam coming up and studies aren't going as planned.

But i guess i shall not stress because honestly after reading this i am scared about my health :( i will try my best, Thank you again!!

Have a nice day!!

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It's a really important book! There's a difference between normal stress and stress from trauma though so dw not all stress is bad. Good luck on your exam!

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Ohhh okay!! Thank you!!

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I am really interested in your reading system and would love to know how u write summary/notes of the books u read.

Btw I love your cat ✊✊♥️♥️♥️

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I love Kafka on the Shore that is peak Murakami for me personally. Windup is also good but yeah besides those the rest of his work felt sub par

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What are the components for your new pc?!!! Please record you building it :D

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Omg my code is so messy but it worked x')

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