Thank you to everyone for the overwhelming support. I really appreciate your comments and those who messaged me privately. I’m really grateful for you guys ❤️

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Sorry to hear that.

It is nice to see you are trying to get back up. A sign of being driven. The natural drive to get back at it. Nice.

Sounds like an opportunity to walk a brand new path in life. Let Sakura go after Sasuke. One day you will find your Hinata.🥷

Cant wait to see your next updatesss

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Yes indeed, waiting for you Hinata!

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Hey Tina. I know it's difficult what you're going through but we all are rooting for you and you'll definitely get out of this phase stronger. All our best wishes are with you!!!

- Sujith (India)

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I usually never comment on anything, but I just wanted to say I’m really sorry about your breakup. I hated this phrase when I was going through a breakup, but time really does heal all. The phrase kind of sucks to me because it really isn’t step by step instructions on how to get over the heartbreak. In addition, time goes by excruciatingly slow when you’re going through something like this, but before you know it you’ll wake up one day and it won’t be the first thing on your mind, and that truly is a great feeling. I hope it gets easier soon Tina!🫶🙏

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🙏🌅 best thing is always to talk about it with loved ones, people you trust, a therapist. time heals and helps yet sometimes the wounds are so deep that we carry these with us long after the event.. i really hope you are doing better these days.. please dont be afraid to reach out. not a therapist not selling anything. i been there and i know how it is. blessings!

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Thanks Tamichael and Claudiu! I exactly know what you mean by time goes by excruciatingly slow. It's slow but I can see things improving and that gives me hope!

I'm really lucky to have amazing friends that have reached out and listened to me ramble and lift me up.

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wow I had no idea you were in a relationship, but the fact that you hid it so well makes me really think how important it was for you, well things go and come in life, that's what life is, 💕well wishes for the future!

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Good luck, i hope your cats can hang in there.

But i don't know if i trust your book selection, I've been throwing magnets at the screen all day and it doesn't work.

PS: Life is the lessons learned, probably get to write your own book on it someday. Have Boop and Beep dressed up like there working in a publishing office.

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HAHA that made me laugh ty

Hmm a tie for Beepbeep and a blouse for Boop?

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Sorry to hear about your breakup. Not an easy thing to deal with. You have friends and a vibrant social life that you have built for yourself. That helps out so very much when getting through darker times in life.

On a happy note, I'm excited to give Parallel World Pharmacy a watch! Magic and drugs anime...sounds fantastic lol. Thanks for all the inspiration you have given myself and so many others. Keep it up :)

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Hey Tina, you're gonna get through this. Don't worry about falling apart for a few days (I do it all the time :0) I admire your strength, and your willingness to share your vulnerability with us.

- Alanna

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Their loss Tina! Lots of walks to clear the head and take some time for yourself to imagine, plan and build a better future.

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Damn, i am so sorry to hear that, i hope you are doing fine now. I can't say much regarding this as i have never been in a situation like this before, time heals everything so please stay strong. Maybe take a break and consider a vacation? Or you can watch some anime like god of highschool, where there is only actions and protagonists beating the shit out of the antis bcuz we need to get bacc on the tracc soon rite?

Sorry for the exaggeration but you get the point right? It's not easy but as you mentioned don't dwell on the past and keep moving forward. Sending all my positive vibes to ya 💜💙💖💗✨

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I’ve just discovered you while searching for information about data science, and I’m so glad I found you! Thank you for sharing your insights on data science, and life. For your young years, you are incredibly insightful!

You know the saying. Oftentimes, blessings come in disguises. While I am very sorry to hear about your breakup, and the annoying pain and hurt that comes with it, I cannot help but feel you are better off for it, and that good things are to come. In all sincerity, I wish you a speedy recovery.

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I'm so sorry to hear that Tina. My recommendation to get over is sounds classic and maybe irrelevant but this is how I got over my break up. Change and become a better person than him and to symbolise the new you, get a new hairstyle. It helped me a lot as soon as a realized I changed.

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Omg actually the hair thing. It wasn't a breakup last time but back in college I was stressed or something and then cut my hair from almost to my waist to a pixie. It was very empowering although people did often mistake me for a small boy...

In all seriousness though thank you. That is what I'm going to focus my energy on. Despite everything that happened I've learned a lot and I'm going to improve myself.

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Oh my, thank you for sharing your life with us, Tina. I hope your heart and mind heal from this hard ship soon and you find a better path.

I have never been in the receiving end, but it was always difficult because I was attached in some way so thanks for the book recommendation. Personally I'm reading the seven principles for making marriage work. I like it so far because they are based on research and it is highly recommended by therapists for relationship dynamics.

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It's hard but I'm also making a conscious effort to pick myself up and that gives me a lot of hope. I will definitely keep that book in mind when I manage to get to that stage!

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So glad you’re back Tina!! Sounds like you’ve been having it tough. Not gonna say I understand or sorry since a) I don’t understand what you are going through or know what it feels like and b) I feel it would undermine your effort focusing on number 1 and 7 of the book you’re reading. Besides, you’re a tough cookie, the kind that still chips a tooth despite dunking it in milk lol (つ≧▽≦)つ ฅ(^◕ᴥ◕^)ฅ

I forgot where I heard that dwelling on the past is like standing on your ancestors remains. I don’t like the idea of standing on my ancestors therefore I don’t like dwelling on my past. I’m not saying that it doesn’t happen at times, I am human.

I’d recommend looking up interviews conducted with Carl Gustav Jung or read some of the books he’s written. You may have heard of him if not glad I could introduce this paragon of a psychiatrist. I’ve only watched a few of his interviews and have heard wonderful remarks about his literature so definitely someone to be on the lookout for. He’s known for founding analytical psychology among many other accomplishments.

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Ooo I feel like I've hard so many derivations of Carl Jung but should really go to the source. Thanks for the recommendation!

Yes I also agree that standing on my ancestors does not sound like a particularly enjoyable activity!

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Same here, I’ve always heard someone else quoting him or his findings. His book “The Red Book” I hear is killer, it’s the one I’m currently searching for since I can’t find it on Audible ☹️

Also idk if you like Japanese music, but just gonna drop this channel here since I think it might do some good in your current situation


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Hi Tina, I wish u lots of energy to get through this tough period in your life right now. Take all time that you need.

You will get your joy back sooner than u think :)

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thank you :)

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Hi Tina, I really hope you will become stronger and greater after this journey.

You have demonstrated already how strong you are, so i know you will doing well in no time.

We will be right here for you.

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Thank you so much for being here :)

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