This newsletter is amazing. Thank you for putting it together, Tina! When you mentioned the novel, The Body Keeps The Score, and how trauma can manifest in both mental and physical ways to the body, I thought about what happened to me. I went through a dark period that was completely not understandable. I got my health checked out and I cleared up a stomach infection, went on a better diet, and my brain fog cleared up immediately. I have been reaching out to people I have distanced myself to out of anxiety and am trying to build these networks again. So far, no one has questioned my hiatus, but it feels good to be back and running. I look forward to your future publications. You are brilliant!

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I’m so glad you’re feeling better! ❤️❤️ And definitely - it’s really interesting how much they are linked and how effectively you can influence one with the other! I’m also so happy that you’re enjoying the newsletter! 🌻

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So much knowledge for a newsletter! İt's 1 am right now and I used my brain a lot today. So I am only able to comprehend the anime part lol. Dr.Stone is in my list but i will watch it sooner. I will read the other parts of the newsletter tomorrow 😅

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Thanks for the section on diffuse thinking... I was always told to go for walks. I thought that was stupid advice. Now, I actually understand why going on walks for problem solving has advantages !!

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Haha I totally get that. I thought breathwork was stupid until I finally understood the science behind it!

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Really glad I found your YT channel! I just started out in python coding and have completed a uni course and a handful of online bootcamps. I like solving problems and all but some courses became boring after a while when there's no fun projects involved. So I really enjoyed the videos you made in which you talked about various project ideas and how to do them. Totally would check out your YouTube academy, personally I think a well-thought-out, responsive TA system where questions can be asked and answered would be awesome for beginners like me. Thanks again for sharing your knowledge!

P.S. Do you have any sci-fi anime recs XD

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Loving the newsletter!

Which blockchain course are you studying right now? If recommended, could you possibly share the link?

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I will definitely add “The body keeps the score” to my reading list! I’ve always wondered why the traumas our brain tries to deal with end up reflecting on our body, so I’m really excited to read it!

I found everything in here very useful, so thanks!

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