Hello friends how’s it going? I’m in Hong Kong right now!
I got a place with Daliana - some of you guys may know her from LinkedIn. I really like Hong Kong! The city is so lively and the food is great. I have an obsession with HK milk tea to the point where I’m only half kidding when I say I may just move here for that. 😅
My goal for Hong Kong in the next few weeks is to actually make some friends here. I know it sounds kinda silly but somehow it’s gotten so hard to make friends as I’ve gotten older and loneliness is no joke. It’s the reason why I left Beijing when I was there last time because I just felt so lonely. But in Hong Kong I’m gonna make a much bigger effort to go to some events and things around the city. 😊
Any recs for the city?
🌻 Interesting Things (I think)
A range of things that I find interesting!
🖊️ Learning
I’d been watching a lot of VR RPG and game inspired anime eg. Shangri-La Frontier, BOFURI, and Solo Leveling. So just for fun I asked ChatGPT to make a game called LifeRPG where players have a base class with different stats that they’re born with.
Base Attributes
Base Classes
I’m pretty sure I’m a Mage class. I’m pretty good at learning things and problem solving, but my weaknesses are in EQ, defense, mobility, and especially stamina.
📚 Books
I read The Comfort Crisis recently and I’ve really enjoyed it. The author Michael Easter challenges the belief that technological progress and comfort equates to happiness and fulfillment. In other words, maybe our constant pursuit of comfort has actually made us less happy and unfulfilled because it has distanced us from our primal nature. I really recommend it!
🤖 AI Pop Quiz
Check the comments for answer and if want to learn more about prompt engineering here is the video where I summarize Google’s 9 Hour AI Prompt Engineering Course. 💜
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🎥 This Week’s Video
🐙 Join the waitlist for Lonely Octopus if you’re interested in learning AI skills and work on freelance projects from real companies!
P.S. All constructive feedback is greatly appreciated!