I remember reading your last post and I completely agree here. It's incredibly difficult to find maturity within yourself during times of stress, heartbreak, or foundational shifts in your life. To have done that is definitely a step in the right direction.
I appreciate all your content and wanted to say that this past week I was recruited for an Amazon Internship, I'm hoping my interview goes well. I wanted to say thank you for all your help through videos and coding challenges.
Congrats - best of luck!! 🎉🎉 and for sure I know I should do these things but ngl I’m also terrified of the pain and discomfort I’m sure I will experience 🫠
Thanks for sharing the vulnerability, ups and downs, and the entire journey! It helps to see the fuller picture when faced with similar situations. Take care of yourself!
Big ghost 👻 hug! I know you can't feel it but it's there, or maybe we just do big hero 6 baymax fist bump! I'll be honest I wouldn't be on this journey I'm on to break into the data field if it wasn't for the heart break. You would think after my stroke, and my perspectives of life changed would be the reason, but naa lol. I completely 11 ×10= 110% agree with your friend. I'm pretty sure I channeled my energy in the exact order you put it until I focused it on me. Take it from a 39 year old about to be 40. 😬 definitely just face the pain allow the griefing process to do its thing. The time and effort of the past wasn't a waste. Don't be too hard on yourself, it's a very east asian culture thing to do unfortunately. You'll grow and be an even better version of the beautiful young lady you already are inside and out. 😁 sorry for the long message! Jonin Tina Kakashi. Guess it would be Tina Hatake. 😉 Be well!
Tysm for sharing this! I’m also so happy that you’ve been able to channel that energy to improve yourself so much ☺️
It definitely is also an East Asian thing haha. I have learned to override many of my emotions for so long that I’m just surprised that I’m even capable of feeling such strong ones 🤔
Hi Tina, thank you for finding the motivation to send a newsletter. i like the gorilla looks cute!
Please continue these newsletters! they're cute and awesome!
I think when it comes to youtube is easier for people to see a shift in the video content or your emotions not a bad time to take some time for yourself right now. You need time for you.
It takes courage to share to strangers and as i understand you are introverted
I do thank you ! If you need an extra stranger to talk to you can shoot an email, at least strangers in pain is not bad im rooting for you may healing manifest graciously !
But for me, you are in the process to recovery, it takes time, a lot of time. If it vanish quickly it would mean that wasn´t important, but what happen to you, it was.
You will become stronger. It is a new fight, like when you procastinate when you actually have job to do but you didnt do it, but you challenged yourself and become a super productive person. This is another fight for you to fight.
It is a different struggle, but the same warrior. 💪💪💪
I do feel motivated with the non existent motivational phrase 😅 in all seriousness I completely agree - there was also a time when I literally thought that no matter what I did I cannot fix my procrastination and general dissatisfaction of myself but I did manage to ❤️
It’s been wonderful getting see different sides of you. I started watching your YT videos back in Dec 2021, the first video was actually the one that has your Substack profile pic as the thumbnail on your YT vid lol [How I would learn to code (if I could start over)]. I won’t say that I’m your most prolific watcher however, when I would get a chance to watch your videos they always stuck with me. Especially cause of your quirky, cut and dry sense of humor coupled with the noobie editing at the time (this isn’t shade at u, I mean it) truly... mwah! That was the chef’s kiss that made your videos all the more enjoyable. Your content has improved now in terms of editing and style yet it still has the same humor which great!
I regret not finding out sooner that you were working at Meta because it would’ve been a pleasure to engage with you and gotten to know your more and possibly being buds while you were still there. I came to find out you were working there after your made your video where you talked about leaving the company and how you were going through the motions. It seems during that time leaving was the right step towards the future you wanted or had envisioned. Based on your newsletter this week that might have changed and you’re still figuring out what you should do going forward.
You WILL get through this.
It will be hella hard, but you will come out hella tuff and strong! 💪 Follow the message on the video of yours but apply it to life; how I would learn to grow (if I could start over). That probably didn’t make sense but I hope you understand the intention 😅. You’ve hit rock bottom, so the only way for you to go now is up!
As for where you would be living at going forward, just know you’re welcome to rent a room at the place I’m staying at... we need more roommates lol. Of course just make sure you pay your rent on time 😠 lmaooo. Nah but joking aside, wherever you go just know that I and the rest the community you’ve build will follow you. I shouldn’t speak on behalf of others but something tells me they would.
💪💪💪💪 thank you!! Aww I wish we could have connected too! Haha gotta thank my editor for dealing with my bad recording habits 😅
I understand what you mean! I still think that the decision to quit is correct. I do feel like the way I view my career and things like that is far more developed than on the emotional side, which also makes sense because I’ve spent way more time thinking and working on the former. So now as sad and painful as it is I am trying my best to get myself to view this as another thing I just need to be patient and work through 😊
Whenever I went through my breakup last year I started reading attached. Learned that I have a bad anxious attachment style and that's a big oof. I need to go back and finish it soon but I started reading your recommendation: How not to die alone. Which Idk why I read this as I'm moving states within a year and I don't want an attachment to derail me 🤔. Idk I take heartbreak seriously (probably too serious) especially from other people so I'm just trying to say you got this and I believe in you! You are entirely stronger than you ever will believe you are and day by day things get easier. You're a big inspo to me (and you love Naruto which is my fave) and hope for nothing but the best for you!
Sometimes life is like when im learning python and i think to myself about - The use of elif vs if-else in conditional or comparative functions - and it seems to change my thinking. like mental gymnastics but logical. Thats why i like this blog, it makes me go back to normal. Ty Tina Team.
PS: i noticed someone in YT stream had a great idea about you doing a BBQ, i hope it happens.
PPS: God Bless those cats who stood by you thru everything. May their coats be shiny and chrome forever. I witness them on their ride into Valhalla. *Flaming car engine emoji* <3
Hey Tina!
I remember reading your last post and I completely agree here. It's incredibly difficult to find maturity within yourself during times of stress, heartbreak, or foundational shifts in your life. To have done that is definitely a step in the right direction.
I appreciate all your content and wanted to say that this past week I was recruited for an Amazon Internship, I'm hoping my interview goes well. I wanted to say thank you for all your help through videos and coding challenges.
All the best wishes for your future!
Congrats - best of luck!! 🎉🎉 and for sure I know I should do these things but ngl I’m also terrified of the pain and discomfort I’m sure I will experience 🫠
Thanks for sharing the vulnerability, ups and downs, and the entire journey! It helps to see the fuller picture when faced with similar situations. Take care of yourself!
Big ghost 👻 hug! I know you can't feel it but it's there, or maybe we just do big hero 6 baymax fist bump! I'll be honest I wouldn't be on this journey I'm on to break into the data field if it wasn't for the heart break. You would think after my stroke, and my perspectives of life changed would be the reason, but naa lol. I completely 11 ×10= 110% agree with your friend. I'm pretty sure I channeled my energy in the exact order you put it until I focused it on me. Take it from a 39 year old about to be 40. 😬 definitely just face the pain allow the griefing process to do its thing. The time and effort of the past wasn't a waste. Don't be too hard on yourself, it's a very east asian culture thing to do unfortunately. You'll grow and be an even better version of the beautiful young lady you already are inside and out. 😁 sorry for the long message! Jonin Tina Kakashi. Guess it would be Tina Hatake. 😉 Be well!
Tysm for sharing this! I’m also so happy that you’ve been able to channel that energy to improve yourself so much ☺️
It definitely is also an East Asian thing haha. I have learned to override many of my emotions for so long that I’m just surprised that I’m even capable of feeling such strong ones 🤔
You can do it 🌻 ! I know you can
Hi Tina, thank you for finding the motivation to send a newsletter. i like the gorilla looks cute!
Please continue these newsletters! they're cute and awesome!
I think when it comes to youtube is easier for people to see a shift in the video content or your emotions not a bad time to take some time for yourself right now. You need time for you.
It takes courage to share to strangers and as i understand you are introverted
I do thank you ! If you need an extra stranger to talk to you can shoot an email, at least strangers in pain is not bad im rooting for you may healing manifest graciously !
Tysm ❤️❤️ I will definitely keep writing the newsletters - I still love video content but this makes me feel more comfortable expressing myself 🥰
*insert motivational phrase*
I didn´t find one, haha.
But for me, you are in the process to recovery, it takes time, a lot of time. If it vanish quickly it would mean that wasn´t important, but what happen to you, it was.
You will become stronger. It is a new fight, like when you procastinate when you actually have job to do but you didnt do it, but you challenged yourself and become a super productive person. This is another fight for you to fight.
It is a different struggle, but the same warrior. 💪💪💪
I do feel motivated with the non existent motivational phrase 😅 in all seriousness I completely agree - there was also a time when I literally thought that no matter what I did I cannot fix my procrastination and general dissatisfaction of myself but I did manage to ❤️
It’s been wonderful getting see different sides of you. I started watching your YT videos back in Dec 2021, the first video was actually the one that has your Substack profile pic as the thumbnail on your YT vid lol [How I would learn to code (if I could start over)]. I won’t say that I’m your most prolific watcher however, when I would get a chance to watch your videos they always stuck with me. Especially cause of your quirky, cut and dry sense of humor coupled with the noobie editing at the time (this isn’t shade at u, I mean it) truly... mwah! That was the chef’s kiss that made your videos all the more enjoyable. Your content has improved now in terms of editing and style yet it still has the same humor which great!
I regret not finding out sooner that you were working at Meta because it would’ve been a pleasure to engage with you and gotten to know your more and possibly being buds while you were still there. I came to find out you were working there after your made your video where you talked about leaving the company and how you were going through the motions. It seems during that time leaving was the right step towards the future you wanted or had envisioned. Based on your newsletter this week that might have changed and you’re still figuring out what you should do going forward.
You WILL get through this.
It will be hella hard, but you will come out hella tuff and strong! 💪 Follow the message on the video of yours but apply it to life; how I would learn to grow (if I could start over). That probably didn’t make sense but I hope you understand the intention 😅. You’ve hit rock bottom, so the only way for you to go now is up!
As for where you would be living at going forward, just know you’re welcome to rent a room at the place I’m staying at... we need more roommates lol. Of course just make sure you pay your rent on time 😠 lmaooo. Nah but joking aside, wherever you go just know that I and the rest the community you’ve build will follow you. I shouldn’t speak on behalf of others but something tells me they would.
💪💪💪💪 thank you!! Aww I wish we could have connected too! Haha gotta thank my editor for dealing with my bad recording habits 😅
I understand what you mean! I still think that the decision to quit is correct. I do feel like the way I view my career and things like that is far more developed than on the emotional side, which also makes sense because I’ve spent way more time thinking and working on the former. So now as sad and painful as it is I am trying my best to get myself to view this as another thing I just need to be patient and work through 😊
Whenever I went through my breakup last year I started reading attached. Learned that I have a bad anxious attachment style and that's a big oof. I need to go back and finish it soon but I started reading your recommendation: How not to die alone. Which Idk why I read this as I'm moving states within a year and I don't want an attachment to derail me 🤔. Idk I take heartbreak seriously (probably too serious) especially from other people so I'm just trying to say you got this and I believe in you! You are entirely stronger than you ever will believe you are and day by day things get easier. You're a big inspo to me (and you love Naruto which is my fave) and hope for nothing but the best for you!
Sometimes life is like when im learning python and i think to myself about - The use of elif vs if-else in conditional or comparative functions - and it seems to change my thinking. like mental gymnastics but logical. Thats why i like this blog, it makes me go back to normal. Ty Tina Team.
PS: i noticed someone in YT stream had a great idea about you doing a BBQ, i hope it happens.
PPS: God Bless those cats who stood by you thru everything. May their coats be shiny and chrome forever. I witness them on their ride into Valhalla. *Flaming car engine emoji* <3