It's amazing to see the technology and the resources that China had put into fighting COVID. I am curious to hear your thoughts after you have been there for a while how all these things have impacted your lifestyle.

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House tour and China vlog yes please. Also happy that you made it home hope you have a wonderful time 🐢🐙

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Glad you are where you wanted to be! Whenever I go “home”, I always struggle with feeling like I belong. After 9 years of living in the US, I feel like a foreigner in both places haha. I hope you find family or a support system that will embrace your slight foreign-ness! I do wonder how you stay productive during such a change of environment. I am pretty disciplined most of the time, but as soon as I change my environment it’s like all my carefully formed habits go out the window!! Good thing I never leave for long :)

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Oh I totally understand. I don’t feel like I belong in the US or China too. Haha my problem in China is also that my Chinese is kinda bad so I’m just like ???

Also huh good timing I just made a video about this!

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A lot has changed in the last years. Always answer questions to officials in a positive way. A neutral answer is considered to be negative. Improve your language and learn to answer in an indirect manner which will require practice. I am hoping that your transition goes well and we will see what happens after October. Keep up your great work with data science and analysis.

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Hi! How is Beijing? House tour, covid check in tour like the "life where I'm from" Channel, please!

I'll be applying this weekend.

I'm currently reading "girl code" It is about these two young girls who learned how to code in high school through GWC and went viral after launching tampon run. I'm feeling inspired and confident I can start a new career path while I read about their journey. Too bad I didnt see/do the aforementioned game app

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Take that inspiration and motivation you feel right now and translate that into action and habits :) motivation doesn’t last but that initial energy can kickstart things!

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Love love love reading these newsletters!

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As far as I know us and china has very different culture. Even tho you know these differences, it must be hard to adapt to a new lifestyle. Since I will be going to abroad for my master's next year, I'd love to hear how you adapted to us when you went there for the first time and how you handle the culture shock right now.

When it comes to consumerism, I think it killed our world. I have mixed thoughts. I mean If the money wasn't invented, I don't think we would have advancements this fast. On the other hand tho, the advancements we obtained wouldn't be done for profit or individual wealth but It would done for common good. And def if we won't except money there will be a chaos suddenly but I think humans would adapt that situation easyly and fast like we always do. What do you think? 😁

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Any type of China vlog would be very interesting. ^_^ Congrats on finally being home. I understand reverse culture shock. Hang in there!

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Its a difficult balance between looking at Covid deaths, then figuring out if they were near the end of their life anyway and Covid was just the final thing that did them in, or if by closing a lot you impact other aspects of society and this results in deaths somehow. A balancing act every government is doing. I'm always surprised at how people in so many countries that apparently are very concerned about Covid don't social distance when they easily could. A mask helps but so does staying farther away from people. Its like they forget to do that so often. They should also put a lot more work in to designing a mask that is easier to breathe through AND protects its wearer really well so you could be in a small room with someone infected and you wouldn't care. It takes a really good seal and good filtration to manage that. And you need to be able to breathe easily for hours at a time. This has eluded everyone so far. Covid is not the first pandemic and it sure won't be the last. More will come. We should prepare.

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welcome home Tina <3 hope to see your house tour or china tour kk

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House tour and China vlogs +1 pls!! Also wow that section of the homosapiens book was super insightful, and made me realize things in a different perspective. Thank you for sharing!

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It’s very interesting to read about you finally being home after so long and how that part of the world has changed. 10 frakkin years!!That’s all of elementary school right?

And it seems you still wear black huh guuuuurl?!?🤔🤥

Based on that new video you just put out huh, HUH?!?! 😂😂

And anime turned into cosplay, based on that cute anime-like school uniform you were rockin’ in that thumbnail, HUUUUH?!?!?!? lmaoo

On the book though, I feel like with the introduction and eventual rise in popularity and reproach of cryptocurrencies, many awoke to the realization you stated; maybe we don’t need to believe in that imagined order we call ‘value of money’. I don’t want to speak out of turn since I’m not well versed in this topic, but if I remember from your previous newsletters you were into investing for sometime and I think crypto as well. Perhaps you could share your take on that in a video and what you learned throughout that venture, I would definitely watch it

Stay safe Tina!! Much 🫶

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That sounds like a lil too much, like they're more concerned about politics than people. Still, in my country they never did but the minimum so, who knows what's best!?

After reading this and watching your latest video about Habits I can say to kinda feel the same. I dropped my life for a career change six years ago. Now that I'm about to finish my master's degree I feel like Jack holding on the door at the end of Titanic. World has changed a lot over this six years.

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Are you from hangzhou or Beijing?

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