I see that we both follow Liah Yoo for skincare advice XD

Jokes aside, really enjoy your channel and your perspective on things :)

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omg krave has done wonders for my skin! aww thank you!! <3

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Right? Totally fixed me up with her "simple but effective" approach :)

And absolutely, you're advice on productivity has been really helpful :D

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Since this title has "abyss" in it. Have you watched Made in Abyss!

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Nooo I haven’t! Would you recommend??

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Yes I would

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This reminded me of those days before covid, i used to borrow books every single week from the library in our school, i used to study in the library whenever i got the permission. Idk but the atmosphere in library just makes me wanna study and it's so relaxing 😌 but after 2 years we finally attending offline classes again like usual so can't wait to do that again ^ ^

These 2 months were really stressful for me because of the exams going on, and your newsletters were i used to wait for, still do hahaha. Exams are over and my high school started 4 days ago and i am procrastinating again :") so that's how my week's going hahaha

Also imma watch that anime, thanks for the recommendations! I needed some relaxing anime.

I am sorry, this reply was longer than i expected 😭

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Totally get it! I would highly recommend checking out some local public libraries if those are available where you live. I was very surprised by how many amazing public libraries I had near me!

You got this! Remember the most important thing is that you keep trying and at some point it'll pay off I promise <3

Lmk what you think about the anime. I've been on a slice-of-life relaxing anime binge. I love the vibes!

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Thank you!!! And it's great that you have got amazing libraries near you, sadly i haven't got any public libraries near me ;-; so i shall wait for my library card to be issued by school (we get library cards, using that we can borrow books and also study there in our free periods.)

And yes yes i will, i didn't get much time because i had got tons of assignments to do, i am near to end now so i'll start that anime possibly tomorrow or day after lol, one thing is that, this anime has got me excited so i am doing my assignments real fast lmao.

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Hi Tina. I’m fairly new to your YouTube channel. I love the idea of some random musing together with anime and book suggestions for your newsletter. I recently started watching Naruto after hearing you make so many references to it 😁 (I’m loving it so far and I’m only 30ish episodes in). The coding challenge is also interesting as I’ve been exploring learning a bit of data science on the side (my background and current job is medical). Looking forward to the next editions of your newsletter.

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Thanks so much for your kind words!! I'm so happy you're enjoying the videos + newsletter :D

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I am currently reading this book "storyworthy" and homework for life is such an great idea. Would love to do this with you.😊

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yay let's do it! will share my stories in next newsletter :)

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I feel agitated and empty when I'm not working or learning. πŸ˜‚ Any suggestion on how one can overcome a feeling as such? πŸ€”

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I see you've mentioned those 3 points already. πŸ‘πŸ»

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I have yet to figure out a solution I'm afraid :c

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ahh borrowing books from a library, I still have this book and it's been 3 years lmao but I'm too lazy to return it to the uni library :(, I guess I'll only return it after I graduate

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do they not fine you??

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The Pandemic wrecked all our libraries fine systems so I don't think I'll be fined lmao I just need to return it, it's a C++ book XD from my 1st sem

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"I’m more interested in remembering more of my life since I feel like the days go by so quickly and I barely remember any of it." Ahahahahhah same Tina, same.

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